Happiness is choice and action, the choice to focus on the positive and the decision to do things that bring joy. This state of mind is the desire of all humanity. It is not something that can be gained from material possessions, that is simply temporary pleasures. Part of life’s value is the feeling of contentment that comes from acceptance, satisfaction, peace, and joy. Unfortunately, there are times when being happy is the hardest achievement. These tips and suggestions will make it easier to find joy and improve your day-to-day.
Be Thankful for the Simple Things
Set aside time every day to express thanks for all that is positive in your life. Remember the people who love you at your worst and at your best. Be grateful for the gift of unconditional love. Work is not always great but, appreciate that your basic needs are met, and you hold the ability to help those closest to you. Give thanks for your health, time, and endless opportunities. By acknowledging these things, you increase both happiness and contentment.
Build and Maintain Positive Relationships
Negative people are a drain on inner resources. A bitter angry person who mistreats you or complains about everything will drag your mood down every time. People are innately social to one degree or another though. Some thrive on being centered in a crowd and soaking in laughter and good conversation. Others only need a trusted few. Either way, there are some people who do not deserve to hold a place in your life. Those who makes you feel bad about yourself are one type. Another type includes people who are constantly critical and take without giving equally of themselves. Anyone who fall into these categories will only steal your joy. Build and maintain bonds that give positive energy and builds your self-esteem.
Value of Setting Goals
A sense of purpose is important in being happy. The journey towards a goal is as fulfilling as the achievement when those goals are met. It provides both short-term and long-term benefits. Immediately, you feel focus, excitement, and motivation. After conquering your goals there is an enduring feeling of confidence and pride. Goals are similar to positive social bonds in that they improve how you see yourself. They also enhance inner strength.
Proven Results of Healthy Living
Healthy eating and an active lifestyle are essential components of happiness. Exercise releases brain chemicals such as endorphins and improves metabolism, a process responsible for increasing energy and promoting health (National Cancer Institute). Both are natural elements of mood elevation that, with time, literally makes you feel full of life. There is also surface value in exercising and eating right. People receive joy and confidence from having their desired body type.
Make Self-Care Part of Your Daily Routine
Self-care is the part of the day you set aside to nurture your mind and body. It is a time to relax. Refocus on what is important in life, letting go of excess baggage. Do something for yourself that brings comfort and happiness, such as taking a long bath, reading, or lounging outdoors. In other words, self-care is the love you give to yourself. And love is more than a word or a passing thought, it is the gift of action.
Make Positivity a State of Mind
How you think, your outlook, and the way you speak to yourself affects happiness tremendously. Outlook is a ‘glass half empty’ vs a ‘glass half full’ mentality. It is viewing the world as more than violence, pollution, bad politics, and negative people. If you make a conscious effort to look for it, goodness is a prevailing concept present in all areas of life. It is also important not to harshly criticize yourself and who you are. Positive self-dialog is to search for the silver lining no matter how bad things may seem.
Help Others
Volunteering can be a great source of happiness. Advocate for dominant issues in your community or do small favors for the people around you. Being part of the solution to a problem offers focus, value, and a connection to something bigger. Being able to create change can improve your environment, thus forming lasting benefits. It is also good karma. You never know when you yourself may need help. People are more willing to help those who are kind in nature and in deeds.
Awareness and Mindfulness
Mindfulness is living in the moment while being aware of how you feel and what you are thinking. It is accepting who you are without expectation or judgement. For various reasons, people tend to be their own worst critic. The practice of mindfulness reduces stress and negative emotions. The resulting calm improves one’s state of mind. Mindfulness is best developed through meditation, the act of emptying the mind of all worries and letting silence enhance focus and peace. There are many techniques used in meditation.
Accept Flaws
Imperfections are human and they make life interesting. To fail is also human, but it is a prelude to growth. Although failure is common it is temporary. There are a multitude of ways to circumvent a problem with a little critical thinking and a few adjustments to the original plan. Accepting that no one is perfect, and mistakes are to be expected will prevent those moments from affecting your happiness.
Reward Success
Lastly, celebrate all your achievements no matter how monumental or minor they may appear to be to you. When goals are met, or plans fulfilled, you deserve to enjoy those accomplishments. The reward does not have to be anything big. It can be buying something you want, cheating on your diet, once, or taking yourself out. There is nothing wrong in being happy for who you are and your successes in life.